Sims 3, William

What is up with my head today?

I am ecstatic with the extra 9 GBs I got back after installing Snow Leopard. But I think it might have messed up my sims. To be honest, I can barely run that program as it is. I have some sims living in a beautiful house I downloaded that takes 1 min and 47 secs to redraw every time you leave the house and come back in, or go into design mode. That ain’t right. I had to up grade my computer to play the Sims 2, so I suppose I really need to upgrade it for the Sims 3. And by upgrade I mean get a new one because it’s not like I can upgrade the graphics card in it or anything. It’s a laptop.

But since I updated to Snow Leopard, I’ve been seeing this.



I don’t know WHAT is wrong with her hair. I think it has started falling out due the RADIATION THAT IS COMING OFF THAT FACE! Seriously.

Those two sims are actually the sims I created of Wil and I. I created one that is supposed to look like me, but doesn’t, to use as my avatar on my sims page. I went ahead and gave myself a husband named Wil while I was at it. It supposed to look like him. It has his penchant for cammy cargo pants. He is: genius, computer whiz, artistic, flirty. I am: bookworm, artistic, good sense of humor and friendly. We are both couch potatoes. He wants to build robots and I want to be an author. 

I turned down the shadow detail and it seems to have helped. Here we are reading books in our starter home.

reading on couch 2.jpg

And here we are cuddling. Awwwww….

cuddle on couch.jpg


Blogaversary: The Seven Year Itch

So today we are seven. Seven years of blogging. I think it is accurate to say that we, my blog and I, are currently undergoing a bit of a seven year itch. It’s a hot summer in the city and I’ve sent my blog to the coast with the kids. Everything seems so dull and routine now, the shine has worn off. And, yes, while it’s been enjoying cooler climes, I have flirted with attractive neighbors. Twitter. Facebook. I admit it!

But I didn’t sleep with them. Facebook, well pretty much all my IRL friends and family are on it. I only use it to keep in touch with them. Facebook and I are just friends. It’s complicated.

Twitter, well sure I had a pretty big crush on it for a while. Now I find it to be a bit … noisy and vacuous. That’s the only way I can describe it. I stopped tweeting several months ago when I realized what a colossal time suck it was, not to mention my compulsive need to read each and every tweet was overwhelming. I’ve met and socialized with people from Twitter. It is great for that. And I don’t mean to insult my friends on twitter. Twitter is great for Social Media. I’m just not sure I care about Social Media. It feels over marketed. Once they started calling it that, it lost it’s appeal. I jump on now and then. I use it when I change my facebook status and I know it’s going to be less than 140 characters. When I spend a lot of time on twitter and facebook, I know I am bored.

There has been a lot of talk about Twitter killing the blog lately. But I disagree. They are two different animals. There are times when I have something short and pithy to say, for which Twitter or Facebook works great. There are people who use the medium PERFECTLY. I have to think they put great time and effort into constructing something so entertaining or meaningful in 140 characters. It can be a fun challenge. But that’s the exception more than the rule. Twitter is an amuse bouche. Tasty, but it’s not going to fill you up. It’s probably high in fat and empty calories as well. Blogging is the main course. It contains a full daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. Blogging is A NICE BIG STEAK.

But, back to the seven year itch analogy. There have been times I have thought about just stopping. But that’s a cop out. Better to ride the wave and work on our relationship. Take it to new depths. Discover new things about each we didn’t know. Get the PASSION back. Don’t you think?

As always, I am deeply grateful for all of you who read my blog, past and present. I am especially thankful for those who have become my friends. And occasionally husbands.


Team Buffy

It’s no secret that I am NOT a fan of “Twilight.” I read the first two books, I don’t know why I read the second, I guess I thought maybe it would get better. I should have stuck with my first impression which was “Yuck!” 

I’m not even talking about the quality of writing. I could, but I’d have to go back and read it. I’m just talking about the over all feeling of “ewwww,” I got from reading it. And the shock and dismay I felt when hearing that Wil’s 11 year old daughter was reading it. I know enough about books 3 and 4 to hope she doesn’t make it past 2. 
In addition, I am a firm believer that when it comes to vampire mythology, my mythology (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) could kick their mythology’s ass. I found this delightful on both levels. As Buffy says, girls don’t usually find stalking a turn on.

Additionally, now that they’ve restocked the sizes, this shirt is soon to be mine. 

blogging, evildeb

what am i doing?

I’m coming up on my 7th blog anniversary at the end of this month. Although, I have not been a very good blogger these last couple of years. I feel like my blog had a heyday and it was a few years ago, that’s for sure. The last few posts were either about the weather, the sims or WoW, and that made me kind of sad.

Maybe I’m tired of blogging. Maybe I’m tired of blogging the same old way I used to. I don’t know. My blog has always been about my life and what I am doing. The fact is, I’m not doing anything. Somehow the the hours pass, the days go by and most days are exactly like the ones before it.

That might be the crux of it. Maybe I don’t want documented my failing to make something more significant out of my forced early temporary retirement. I suppose I’m a bit embarrassed that I have not written a book, become fluent in French and learned all the nooks and crannies and secrets Vancouver has to offer. Nobody really wants to broadcast the fact that they are not living up to their potential.

I don’t know. I’m just thinking out loud. Maybe the way I blog has to change. I’ve thought about stopping entirely. But that is not what I want. I want to love it again. I want it to be fresh. My blog and I are just not as intimate as we used to be. I want to fall in love all over again. And other clichés.

I believe I am going to blame all this on Evildeb, for not moving to Canada with me.
