
Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy – the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

i am so behind in all my internet distractions. behind in reading other people’s blog. behind in all my silly yahoo mail. behind in my nanowrimo forum posting. and definitely behind on my own blog.
there are a couple of important things to say. first; bullets are my best friends.
You are Trinity-
You are Trinity, from “The Matrix.”
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
please note, i did not cheat.
secondly: loon’s latest stephanie plum stickman story is up. hooray! i know she gives me writing credit. but really, it was just a really goofy chat session. and she did all the drawing and that’s where the real emotional core of the story lies. and loon is also trinity.
aaaaand…. kam’s blog is all pretty and updated and she’s posting! hooray kam! lisa should learn from you.
is that it? i think that’s it. my cold is still here. and it makes me all spacey. it’s hard to concentrate. is it time for stouffer’s frozen macaroni and cheese yet? please? can it be lunchtime.
speaking of food, happy ramadan! as we all know, ramadan is a time for fee to fast, so don’t go offering her halloween candy until after the sun sets. ramadan started on monday and lasts for a whole month. do you think that fee will get spacier as the month goes on?
