movies and tv, work

Are we sure it’s not Monday?

Because I just had a bunch of New Yorkers ambush me from their speaker phone, question my intelligence, my experiences, my honesty and worst of all MY PRODUCT!!! Usually, happy stuff like that only happens on Mondays. Dr. Stevil said it was painful to hear, so he put his headphones on. And he was only hearing my side of it.


I want to listen to some tunes to help reduce rage levels, but I haven’t had time to unpack, so everything is still in boxes which are stacked around me. I can’t find my headphones. Guess I’ll have to blog instead. Remember when I posted the song from Shivaree? I told you that I would post the song that hooked me, made me a fan. Since, if everything goes according to plan, I will be seeing them live tomorrow, at Neumo’s, I thought I’d play that song for you today. It’s called “Goodnight Moon” and for a wanna be gal detective, lover of mysteries and puzzles, is the perfect song. It’s a noir novel put to music.

Now I am going to see if I can dig out my headphones. I think I’ll keep everything else packed. It’s like working in a fort built of boxes. And cube walls. Except Kermie… I’m going to unpack my Kermit.

MP3 File

EDITED TO ADD: Dag nabbit! That’s not what my audioblog posts are supposed to look like. They are supposed to have cute little purple buttons. WHY ARE YOU PLOTTING AGAINST ME, WORLD??


5 thoughts on “Are we sure it’s not Monday?

  1. Kay says:

    Shivaree is such a good band and that’s such a great song. And their name is so easy on the tongue.
    Speaking of easy on the tongue – french fries will make you feel better. Have you been to Frites – right around the corner from Neumos (they share the same address)? I want to try them because I was addicted to the pomme frites places in NY.
    And if I didn’t drop $1400+ on my car this week, I may consider stopping by and yet…..

  2. arifa says:

    FRITES! we tried to go, but they were closed. and then, fifteen minutes after they opened, they put a “be back in five minutes” sign up. LAME!
    jodes – today is an ubersuck day, for sure. i’m experiencing it all the way down here.

  3. Jodi says:

    ok, drinkjack, you’d better start driving now. i don’t know how long it will take you to get to seattle. i’ll keep an eye out for you!

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