I’m just all about joining the blogging games now.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but several months ago, Pru quit using the litter box. She will pee on a puppy pee pad. And, when we are lucky, she poops there as well. My cat is toothless and voids her bowels wherever she wants. It’s like having an infant.
I sole this from Delmer. The Telegraph ran a poll, rating men of different nationalities on their skills as lovers.

All the immigration hassle makes sense now, eh? Git it, I said “eh” because I live in Canada now. (Don’t worry, American men, it’s just a stupid poll. From Europe! It’s not your skills as a lover, but rather our foreign policies that are to blame.)
The author of the book I reviewed on Satan’s Bookclub, Frank Portman, linked to me, well, SBC, from his blog. I feel all warm and fuzzy.
I am thoroughly enjoying this season of House, as naturally I would. Has anyone checked out Modern Family? It’s hilarious.
Make that horsey move.
That is a shame about your kitty. We have a senior citizen kitty and celebrate every day that he manages to get to and hit the cat box.
As far as the lovers thing… I live in Germany and prefer women so I don’t know too much about the guys. But what I can say is that there is a general feeling that Deodorant is enough and that Anti-Perspirant is taking it too far. Thus MANY guys have HUGE pit stains all summer long.
It is the Turkish immigrants who smell the worst here in Germany, I suppose it is their diet. But that doesn’t stop me from moving to the other side of the train when they step on and start stinking the whole place up.