Hey… it’s time. Enough is enough. Go kick it around and make sure it’s sound for me, ok?
Monthly Archives: April 2005
Get to know me! My favorite values.
Well, there is a tie. Both Arifa and Romy got four out of five. For Romy, I have already begun working on her prize. I’ll have to negotiate with Fee, to find out what she wants.
In no particular order:
Personal Development.
Some of the others mentioned were in the running for a while. Like Inner Harmony and Wisdom and Economic Security. Some others fed into my key value. Like Helpfulness, I like being helpful, it gives me pleasure, but the real value is pleasure. So that’s not a bad guess. And god bless Jack for thinking that I could possibly be orderly. If that was a key value, I’d be pretty dissatisfied with my performance. And, I’m not surprised that competitiveness came up. I’ve always enjoyed being competitive on some things. I think I got the grades I did, in High School, because I was competitive with my friends. But in the end, enjoying it, and really valuing it are different things, I guess.
So. There you go. How fun was that? Well, even if it wasn’t, I got to go into class this morning and tell everyone that I was running a poll of blog readers, to find out what they thought my key values were. I don’t think anyone had done that before. All in all, I think this proves that all I really want to do is have some fun.
the plan..
should you chose to accept it, is to get Satan’s bookclub up on Friday morning. [or late thursday night] so everyone can click the little links and make little fake comments in the fake entries and check everything out. make sure it’s working all right. i will finish a book review over the weekend. maybe louise will too. [she’s been sick sick sick. for weeks. it’s the consumption, probably. for a scottish girl, she’s very fragile. a frail hothouse flower, as we like to say.] And then it will be for real live, and ready for pimpin’, on monday.
that is the plan and i am sticking to it. i found an acceptable cheat/ work around for CSS’s shortcomings. so, the rest is just detail work. it shall be my number one priority until it’s done. except for napping. and work… i’m trés busy at work. there are a couple of other things that might come up… but it’s right up there. with a bunch of really important priorities. definitely before flossing my teeth and eating my vegetables.
You have no values. With you its all nihilism, cynicism, sarcasm, and orgasm.
I am in class all day today and tomorrow. Learning to deal with my growth, professionally and personally. Learning to MANAGE it. Right now, we are doing various exercises to identify our top five values. Before the class, I was to have one person pick what she thought was most important and least important. I chose Evildeb. My manager also got a chance to talk about me. I haven’t seen what she wrote yet. We are encourage to find out “how others see us.” So I am giving you, my little internet friends, the chance to pick what you think my top five values are. The one who comes closest to matching the final five gets a prize. I don’t know what. What do you want? Music? I could make you a cd. Or I could draw you a picture with crayons. If someone in your life needs yelling at, I could do that. However, I won’t accept responsibility for the consequences. I could write a limerick, celebrating your brilliance and insight. I don’t know, you tell me.
ACHIEVEMENT (attaining goals, sense of accomplishment)
ADVANCEMENT (progress, promotion)
ADVENTURE (new and challenging experiences, risk)
AFFECTION (love, caring, fondness)
COMPETITIVENESS (striving to win, being the best)
COOPERATION (collaboration, teamwork)
CREATIVITY (being imaginative, inventive, original)
ECONOMIC SECURITY (steady, adequate income)
FAME (renown, distinction)
FAMILY HAPPINESS (close relationships with family members)
FREEDOM (independence, autonomy, liberty)
FRIENDSHIP (close relationships with others, rapport)
HEALTH (physical and mental well-being)
HELPFULNESS (assisting others, improving society)
INNER HARMONY (being at peace with yourself and others, tranquility)
INTEGRITY (honesty, sincerity, standing up for beliefs)
INVOLVEMENT (participating with and including others, belonging)
LOYALTY (commitment, dedication, dependability)
ORDER (organized, structured, systematic)
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (learning, strengthening, realizing)
PLEASURE (fun, enjoyment, good times)
POWER (influence, importance, authority)
RECOGNITION (respect from others, acknowledgment, status)
RESPONSIBILITY (accountability, reliability)
SELF-RESPECT (belief in your own abilities, self-esteem)
SPIRITUALITY (faith, strong spiritual and/or religious beliefs)
WEALTH (abundance, getting rich)
WISDOM (discovering knowledge, insight, enlightenment)
Satan hates CSS
Believe me, I am not stalling on Satan’s Bookclub. One piece is kicking my ass. I thought it would be no big deal, I thought I would just search around on the internet and find out how to make the sidebars extend all the way down to the bottom of the page. But NO!! It’s just never that easy, is it?
Sigh. So, don’t think I am just hanging out, chatting with Dr. Stevil while he drinks tequila and watches American Idol. That’s ridiculous!
In which Tessa receives a money shot in the women’s restroom at the Cinerama
Last night, Tessa, Dr. Stevil, KK , her b.f., Cheasy, and I went to see Sin City at the the Cinerama. But before we did, we went to Mama’s Mexican Kitchen, for food – yes, but mostly for margaritas. Now, I don’t drink often. I don’t like wine or beer. [technically I am allergic to beer.] And I never ever drink and drive. Since I’m always driving, I rarely drink. But I wasn’t driving last night. Steve drove us downtown, and we walked from the cinema to Mama’s. So I had a margarita. One is really all it takes with me. I’m a cheap date. One margarita for me, put me on par with those who had had at least two.
Consequently, everything was very very funny last night. Tessa, in particular thought I was hysterical. I thought I was hysterical. The concessions guy thought I was kinda funny, but I think he was enjoying Tessa’s reaction to me more.
Me: Stevil, go ahead and get us some seats, Tessa owes me a drink.
Dr. Stevil: where do you want to sit?
Me: uhhhhh…. I don’t care…. facing the screen!
Tessa: facing the screen! bwahahahaaa!
Me: well, what was I supposed to say? “Seat 209, please?”
So Tessa and I found the entire evening to be extremely funny. The seats in the Cinerama rock back and forth. In order to prevent anyone from sitting in front of her, or behind her, Tessa would rock back and forth spasmodically, whenever anyone approached. See? Funny! Even sober I would have laughed at that. The movie had extreme stylized violence and it was uproariously funny. Actually, the movie was very noir and full of dry wit, we would have enjoyed it without the alcohol.
But the best part of the evening came after the movie, with Tessa, in the women’s restroom. She walked up to the sink, hit the soap pump and squealed.
Me: what happened?
Tessa: I hit the soap and it shot me square in the face.
Me, laughing hysterically: And I didn’t even arrange to have that happen! It’s like a gift to me!
Tessa: I got a money shot! It gave me a money shot!
Me currently unable to speak coherently.
Tessa: I feel like a porn star.
Me: I’m so blogging you on this one.
Hello? Commercial Fisherman! I’ve course I’ve got some fucking rubber boots!
I don’t know if you’ve had enough time to recover from the news that I worked outside this weekend. It might be too soon for me to tell you this, but… brace yourself. I’ve signed up for an exercise class. I know I know! It’s shocking. It’s only one day a week. Here at work. A stability ball class. I think you try to balance of big balls and maybe not fall off. As you can probably guess, I’m not going to be very skilled at it.
Crap! I have a meeting! Damn DLS time!!
I was just sitting in the living room, watching the Incredibles with my stepdad, I’m pretty sure there were spiders in there. I could hear them. The poison is creeping through my body.. I can feel it… I should probably lie still.
I regret to inform you that, therefore, I’m fairly certain I will not be able to go to work tomorrow.
I don’t like spiders and snakes, and that ain’t what it takes to love me.
Remember the time I was freaking myself out, reading about poisonous snakes? Well, I just spent about twenty minutes reading about poisonous spiders. I’m not afraid of snakes, but I am afraid of spiders. I tried to convince myself I wasn’t, but it didn’t work. And now, it never will because I was reading about the Hobo Spider, which is also known as THE AGGRESSIVE HOUSE SPIDER!! [don’t look to that website for the truth about spiders, it’s one of those ZOO websites. They always take the side of the animal] You know, people used to laugh at me, when i told them that spiders would jump straight for your neck, if you got too close. But look at that! That spider is so aggressive, they named it aggressive!! It’s bite can rot your flesh. People used to blame it’s evil demonic bite on the brown recluse spider. Guess where the hobo spider lives, when it’s here in the United States. Go on… guess! That’s right, Seattle. There is probably an aggressive house spider living at the foot of my bed right now. it’s going to eat my toes.
Arifa says they only live in the houses of bad people. That’s probably true, right? Uff da.
Serious bonus points for today’s title.
Ok, give Chicago a check mark in the “possible places to live” category
Not that I am planning on moving or anything.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich approved an emergency rule Friday requiring pharmacies to fill birth control prescriptions quickly after a Chicago pharmacist refused to fill an order because of moral opposition to the drug.
Link from This is Not Over.