
Postcard of Space Needle – 50 cents.

Cost of postcard postage to Canada – 50 cents. Entertainment derived from anonymously sending a complete stranger a postcard pretending to be a squirrel? Priceless. I have no idea why I do some of the things I do, believe me. But given the fact that I’ve done it, how weird is it that DrinkJack sent me a picture of a squirrel?

Ok, I did something today that I think may shock some of you. I apologize in advance. I don’t want to upset you. But, after I came back from running an errand this afternoon, I… well… you see…. I WORKED OUTSIDE IN THE YARD! shhhh… don’t be scared. It was freaky for me too. Actually, it was not so much the yard as the driveway. Over the past week we’ve had a lot of rain and wind storms. My driveway was covered in twigs, branches, needles and pine cones. Today was really the first day without rain, so I swept the driveway. It’s not a huge driveway, but it does curve to the side so it’s larger than one of those regular driveways. Normally, Ron uses a leaf blower to clean off the driveway. But it needs servicing. It’s got no blow, right now. Only Ron is patient enough to use it. I just wanted to clear off the driveway, not eat off it. So I used a large broom. I did it by hand!

Afterwards I was totally done in, so I had to come inside and read books. Speaking of which, I got a package in the mail today, well, yesterday actually, from England. Yes! How exotic. Elle sent me a book about Lord Byron. Except, in this book, Lord Byron is Vampire!! Oooooo… she knows how I love a good vampire story. Why shouldn’t Lord Byron be a vampire? It fits. And the book has the price in pounds on it! Trés European.

Stupid daylight savings time starts tonight. I hate losing an hour. Anything that deprives me of precious weekend time or sleeping time is not okay.


Sticking it in your woofer, baby.

hey kids. Just spoke to my little brother, he’s doing great! I can’t believe how well he’s doing. What a lucky boy. First, for having me as a sister. And then second for that whole doing great after having a truck smash into his fragile vegan bones and knock him out of the crosswalk, down the street and through the door of a 7-11. But mostly for having me as his sister. Speaking of 7-11… a slurpee sounds good right about now.

So, I’m just working on Marie’s blog redesign and SBC and listening to Shake the Shack on KEXP. I wish I wish I wish that their stream fed the title and artist to iTunes. So I could hit the little iTunes button in Ecto and let you know I am listening to Girls On Dope by Sonoramic Commando. Man, I love Shake the Shack.

Anyway, yes, working on websites. So feel free to come bug me online if you are around. If you hurry, you can head over to KEXP and listen to Little Ramona (Gone Hillbilly Nuts) by BR5-49. Or just go listen to one of the archived shows.

Now send me funny things. I need funny things.

Intruder by the Surfcoasters

MP3 File

books, evildeb, macs

We have so much in common, we both love soup and snow peas, we love the outdoors, and talking and not talking.

Today was a different kind of day for me. I feel like my emotions have been turned up high the last week. And today was a veritable potpourri of feelings. Most of which I shall keep to myself. But some of them you are going to have to hear about, mes pommes de terre d’Internet. But first, I want to clarify a few things.

  1. That picture up in the corner, of the girl on the computer, is not meant to represent me, in the strictest sense, any more than the swinging girl used to. I edited her to give her more of a me-ness. I gave her my fair swedish/norwegian/irish/scottish skin. I lighted her hair to be more like mine. I changed the colors of her clothes, desk and chair, and I changed her glasses, which were black with blue lenses. My glasses are green. I am not a tall, willowy, vector stick. I could go on the South Beach diet, the Atkins diet and the Zone diet all at once, and I ain’t ever going to be willowy. Or tall. My people are a curvier people. We are not meant to walk the catwalk in strange designer couture. We are meant to lounge on chaise lounges, and have cute boys brings us drinks on silver trays. Also, my boobies are bigger. HA! take that vector stick.
  2. I’d like to thank Evildeb for letting me mess with her identity and portray her in almost any manner I see fit. She is remarkably accepting that way. For someone so evil.
  3. No matter what she says, Fee does actually like me.
  4. Thomas has a wonderful way of taking something you think is a hang up, and making it sound rare and wonderful. Thank goodness for chat logs.

Oh, and Matt from DC is totally in love with me. I discovered that chatting with him last night. it’s not surprising, really. We have some shockingly similar traits. We are both funny, we both like macs and hate pc’s, we both prefer bookstores to smokey bars. But it’s not meant to be. He’s east coast Washington, I’m west coast. He’s got a bird, I’ve got a cat. He’s mountain dew and I’m Dr Pepper. He likes to be active and exercise, I like to take naps. He wants children, and I still behave as tho I were a child myself. Not to mention he is young and studying to be a lawyer and I’m old enough to be his babysitter! It’s probably pretty natural to have a crush on your babysitter. Do little boys grow up thinking fondly of their babysitters? Not me, they didn’t.

“Ok, maggots, it’s time to go to bed.”

“But mommy says that we don’t have to go to bed until the clock on the microwave says eight, three, oh. See, it doesn’t say that. That’s a seven and that’s a five…”

“I know I know! But see, the microwave is messed up. Yeah, I messed it up when I was heating up the pizza. Here, I’ll fix it. See? eight, three, oh.”

“But we don’t want to go to bed yet, we want to stay up and watch movies with you!”

“I know, sweetie, and as much as I’d like to watch Jungle Book for the 4th time tonight, I have to study. Believe me, I don’t want to study. I would rather watch movies with you.”

“What is that you are studying?”

“Errrr… history. I have to read this book tonight and find out if this guy here, he’s Rafe Sterling, the King of the … Pi-RA-tes. Yes, King of the Pirates. I need to find out if he ever wins the battle against this woman here, the cold and icy Princess Melody. Currently a resident of Prudytown on the Virgin Islands. But not for long. Now come on… head upstairs before I break out my Mad Babysitter voice!”
